Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where the magic happens

After all the tracks are recorded in the larger performance section of the studio, we go into a smaller area with a more condensed mixing board, and a lot of computer power. It was amazing watching Mark, the producer, put it all together. Not only do you need to have a magical ear, and tremendous musical skills, you need a PhD in software to be a producer these days.

Mark is a wonderful coach. I don't usually take direction well - not because I can't handle suggestions for improvement, but because I don't understand what people are saying to me. My brain is just wired differently than most people I've met, so when people try to give me analogies, I just don't get it. When Mark gave me direction, I really felt I knew what he was talking about.

Yesterday was a bit disappointing because my poor voice hadn't recovered from the day before or the allergies, and I just sound like I'm in pain on the tracks. We did a lot of takes, but I still cringe when I hear a lot of it, because all I hear is pain in my voice -and not the good kind that sells CDs.... ;-)

I don't want to focus on that, though, because it was such a fun experience. I loved being in the studio and recording the music. I had to do it over and over, and he'd laugh or make a face when I was really sharp, or when my voice cracked (a lot toward the end!)...I had no problem with that. Darcy said she would have been in tears hearing someone dissect every note she sang, but then again, she would never subject herself to the experience in the first place.

I don't sing in front of people very often. I do karaoke at my house, but that's all joking around. I haven't sang seriously in front of anyone in at least 15 years that I can think of. I'm so glad I was not hung up about singing on a whim in front of lots of people. They don't care what I sound like - they are here to do their job, and that's what they are focused on.

This is another way I enjoy getting older. I'm so much more comfortable in my own skin. I never would have been able to handle the dissection of my singing when I was younger, but it doesn't phase me now - I actually like it because I'm learning so much about how to sing better and where my opportunities for improvement are.

Yesterday Mark asked me to improve a little "oooooooooooooooooh" thingy at the end of one of my songs. The first two takes were so rigid, he was having a blast making fun of me, telling me how he needs to get some gospel into me. I've been in NH too long. LOL - He was right, and it was extra worse because my voice had no gas at that point, so I didn't have anything to give.

The third take, I added a little something something extra at the end of his suggested "oooooh," and he was shocked. Haha.

Today I'm recording a very soulful version of "Oh Happy Day," and I'm supposed to do a bunch of improving during part of it. That's really not my thing, but I'm going to try and have fun with it....of course, I've already written down 7 lines of suggested "improvs" I can do, but so what.

One of the backup singers on the CD is a contemporary Christian artist from Nashville. He has a great voice, and he sounds so good on the CD. We got 3 tracks done with him on them last night. He's coming back today, with another female vocalist, to do 5 more tracks, I believe. We are going to dinner with him tonight after the session, so we are both looking forward to that.

I also got to meet a well known country song writer yesterday who happened to be in the studio recording a CD. She was very gracious and nice, and it was neat to talk to her about the song writing process.

Okay, time to get Darcy up so we can get this shizzow on the rizzoad.


Alison... said...

What a truly amazing experience!

I look forward to seeing the documentary of it.

lanie said...

Can't wait to hear the CD-tired allergy voice or not! I'm sure it wonderful...but wow...what an incredible (and gutsy!) endeavor!

Stephanie Carnes said...

Can't wait to hear the CD! I'm loving reading about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like an educational experience for sure, but additionally sounds like you are living out a lifelong dream. Play, party, enjoy everything the experience has to give.