Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Laying the tracks

I didn't sleep well the night before - there wasn't enough white noise in the room, and there were some lights shining in my face - you can see how tired I look in my eyes:When we arrived at the studio, I met the members of the band. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I think it was something along the lines of a church band - I was in for a surprise! The band the studio hired was filled with *amazing* professionals with decades of experience working with the greatest recording artists of our time. I was officially playing with the big boys.
The producer charted the songs - again - the numbers on the pages meant nothing to me, but I'm determined to learn it all before I go - and then the musicians heard the song once - sometimes just part of the song, and we went into the studio and did half of a dry run, and then we'd start recording.

My vocals yesterday were only for the benefit of the artists recording, so while I was in the studio for about 12 hours, singing a good portion of the day, none of it will be used for the album.

Today, I'm scheduled to be in the studio for 6.5 hrs of just me singing. I'm not sure how that is going to be possible - especially after singing all day yesterday. I've been reading up on tips on how to preserve your voice. I'm hoping they work.

Last night, I could barely speak at the end of the day. The last track we recorded (the 11th of the day - 5 with the band and 6 with piano/guitar) sounded like I needed to be put down. My voice was quivering and shaking and had no gusto whatsoever. It was just sad. LOL

I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I'm sure it's a combination of yesterday, my allergies, and the air conditioner I was facing all night long, breathing in the dry air...dummy. I was too tired to even think of that. I'm going to sleep on the other side of the bed tonight because tomorrow, I have to finish the other half of the CD. I really wish I could take a day off to rest my voice, but that is not the pace we are on.

I took a hot shower, hoping the steam would help my throat. I kept wetting the face cloth with scalding hot water and putting it over my mouth, breathing in the steam. I have no idea if that helped. I read lots of advice online on the right tea and cough drops to use, so I'm going to make a trip to the store this morning to stock up.

I also decided that yoga would probably help loosen everything up, so I did a good yoga workout in my hotel room this morning. I haven't tried to speak yet today. I am trying to save my voice as much as possible, but at the same time, I'm going to need to warm up before I start recording! I'd like to have some tea first, though.

Yesterday was amazing. I couldn't believe the talent I was surrounded by. I learned so much in just one day. I feel like the next time around, I will truly be ready. It's still a fly by the seat of your pants experience, but at least I'll know that going into it next time. I didn't know what I didn't know, so I had no idea what questions to ask ahead of time. Now, at least I know what I don't know. That is progress.

At one point in the day yesterday, Darcy told the pianist that it was my first time in a studio. He was shocked - not because I'm so good or so on the ball, but most likely because by the time you're flying to Nashville to record a full length CD with the people I'm working with, it's not generally your first time to actually step foot in a studio. He said, "Oh, well don't worry. It's only your CAREER on the line!"

LOL - thanks. That's not how I looked at it -thankfully. But again, I guess most people doing what I'm doing would be hoping it would lead into a career. I just never thought of it that way, and I can't imagine that I would ever be good enough to be a professional singer as my job, or that I'd have the stamina to travel all around singing. I just don't see that as my reality, but I love singing, and I'd be happy to make a few CDs along the way, and if other people like them, even better.

It was so much fun working with that group of talented professionals yesterday. They really give 150% to each track, and they all appeared to be perfectionists. They recorded and re-recorded over and over until they got each note perfect. I have a feeling that's what the producer is going to do with me today when I'm singing....actually, it's more than a feeling.

I'm very tired, and I can't have caffeine because it distorts or constricts the vocal chords, so I'm just going to need to snap out of it, and I will.

I'll write more about yesterday at another point, but I have to get ready to hit the road!

1 comment:

Alison... said...

You look as though you lost weight, you're face is so skinny

just sayin

anyway, what an amazing experience!

Save your voice and don't call me this week... I can read about it on the blog and hear about it when you get back.
