Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Too funny
They were just adorable.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hip, Hip - HOOOORAY!!

We'll be in the studio for the next few hours while Mark mixes the songs, and then we're doing a little tour of the city slash acting as his photography assistants (he's also a professional photographer) while he does a photo shoot at all the coolest points in town, so that should be neat. We are going to see a replica of the Parthenon at Centennial Park - very, very cool.
Tomorrow morning, Mark will finish mixing the rest of the songs, and then the CD will be DONE! Probably around 11ish he's thinking.
I just finished singing _How Great thou Art_ - it was my grandmother's (on my Mother's side) favorite song, and my Mom requested it be on the CD, so how could I say no! It was well out of my range, and I was trying to channel my voice teacher's words of wisdom. She told me when I was singing songs that were too high, to envision having the song come out of the top of my head, flowing freely out of me. I closed my eyes and visualized just that, and I managed to get through the song. While it's certainly not my best, it's *much* better than I ever could have thought.
K - onto mixing some fun songs. Gotta go!
Honky Tonk Rap Star
I had an original list of 12 songs I was going to record, but for some reason, I didn't know I needed to get the copyrights for them - I thought the studio handled that. I should have known better, and at least, I should have asked sooner, but I was busy, and that's really my only excuse.
As a result, I had to change out 6 of my songs at the last minute. I did a quick copyright search online, and 6 of the songs were clearly easy to get copyrights for and the other 6 had hoops to jump through, and I was worried I'd record the songs and then not be able to use them.
I rushed the selection of the 6 replacement songs, and that's unfortunate, but oh well. I had one song I was going to record to a performance track since we didn't have time to record the track with the musicians on Monday, but I couldn't find the performance track online.
Darcy reminded me how much I wanted to do a Christian rap song by DC Talk from waaaay back in the day - the first rap song I ever learned, and probably the song that made me the rap star I am today. ;-) I couldn't find any contact information for them, as they don't appear to be a group anymore, but I finally tracked down the lead singer's office info, and I got in touch with his assistant.
She told me there wasn't a performance track (most likely) for the song I wanted, but she gave me the number for the label and their manager to check with just in case - very helpful, and supportive. We tried, but didn't have immediate luck, so Mark, my producer, got on the horn and summoned a drummer, pianist and electric guitar player almost immediately.
I got the copyright info from the contact at the lead singer's office, so I knew we would be okay on that front. I downloaded a copy of the song from Rhapsody, and Mark burned the CD and played it for the musicians. They loved it!
It was a hoot - we had George Clinton (engineer/record producer- not funk legend - has engineered and produced dozens of # 1 hits for Reba, Martina McBride, Hank Williams, Isaac Hayes, Shania - and has more platinum album sales awards than he has wall space for), as well as 3 other country musicians. The listed to the track, and I didn't know WHAT they would possibly say after hearing a Christian rap song.
They all loved it!
While we were recording the track, at each break, the musicians were telling me that they just loved the song, and it sounded so good, and they were asking me how I could rap like that...I was wondering how on earth they were playing like that - to a song they had most definitely just heard for the first time in their lives 30 seconds before.
At the intro to each song recorded, you count off to get everyone on the same page. You can imagine how unusual it was to hear "ah wohan, tayew, thareee, foaher" right before going into the rap track. I loved it, and I wouldn't have wanted my first rap recording to be any other way.
The drummer really enjoyed it so much, he told me he has a ton of loops and stuff on his computer at home, so the next time we do this, he'll have it with him. Mark, my producer, liked it so much - he told me we should have done about 5 or 6 rap songs on the CD. LOL
I had no idea Nashville was so rap-friendly. I've learned that this town is extremely open minded, unbelievably gifted, and filled with the nicest people you could ever meet. I have fallen in love, yes I have. Nashville has all the charm of a sweet southern town, but with the talent and energy and innovation of a big city.
After the track was cut, I recorded my part. I foolishly thought it would be pretty straight forward, and that Mark wouldn't have much to add. I know he does a lot of country and gospel, and I'm sure he's done his fair share of rock, but I couldn't imagine he would take on changing up a rap song.
Was I ever wrong! He had awesome ideas about how to thicken it up, and make it my own. After I rapped the whole song in my own rap voice, he had me rap the whole thing all over again in a lower rap voice, so it sounds like there's more of us - and it sounds like a *real* rap song. LOL - he made a bunch of changes to it, and he did so much more with it than I ever would have even thought of.
I can't tell you how much awe and respect I have for Mark's talent. I can't imagine there's a better producer out there, and everyone I've met who has worked with him will tell you the same thing. He is a genius, and so humble, fun to be around and just a genuinely nice guy. I'm actually sad my recording time is coming to an end because I'm going to miss him!
It's okay - I have a feeling I'll be back sooner than anticipated. I have so many ideas for my next CD, and I've already started writing the first song.
At the end of the rap, he had me ad lib some lines, and I gave a shout out to Nashville, TN. I'm so glad that popped out of my mouth.
I had a BLAST recording _Oh Happy Day_ yesterday. I shed my NH skin, and I dug deep into my southern roots. (After all, my sister was born in TN - that counts for something, right??)
There's one or two points in the song where I sound like Elvis. I think during the ad lib part, I shouted something out like "You know my Jesus washed" in a big throat gurgling way, as well as who knows what else. It was FUN.
I did too many slow songs on this CD. I had a reason for picking all of the songs that I did, and I have no regrets, but next time, I probably will shy away from the slow songs. They just aren't fun for me to sing, and I'll never have the gift like a Josh Groban has or even Clay Aiken, so why try to compete with something out of my league when I don't even have fun doing it.
I've learned now which things I'm good at, and coincidentally, they are also the ones I LOVE doing, so it all works out quite well.
All in all, yesterday went about one million times better than the day before. My voice was better, my energy was higher, and I had a blast. We got 6 songs done. We would have finished them all if we hadn't had the impromptu rap recording session.
I just have 2 left to wrap up today. One of them is completely out of my range, so I'm really not looking forward to it. My throat is sore, and once again, I didn't speak last night once we got home. I communicated to Darcy through notes. I think she likes me quiet more than the talking version...but I'm just so pathetic...oh well...
Last day of recording!!
(Ahhh - now what???!!!)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Where the magic happens
Mark is a wonderful coach. I don't usually take direction well - not because I can't handle suggestions for improvement, but because I don't understand what people are saying to me. My brain is just wired differently than most people I've met, so when people try to give me analogies, I just don't get it. When Mark gave me direction, I really felt I knew what he was talking about.
Yesterday was a bit disappointing because my poor voice hadn't recovered from the day before or the allergies, and I just sound like I'm in pain on the tracks. We did a lot of takes, but I still cringe when I hear a lot of it, because all I hear is pain in my voice -and not the good kind that sells CDs.... ;-)
I don't want to focus on that, though, because it was such a fun experience. I loved being in the studio and recording the music. I had to do it over and over, and he'd laugh or make a face when I was really sharp, or when my voice cracked (a lot toward the end!)...I had no problem with that. Darcy said she would have been in tears hearing someone dissect every note she sang, but then again, she would never subject herself to the experience in the first place.
I don't sing in front of people very often. I do karaoke at my house, but that's all joking around. I haven't sang seriously in front of anyone in at least 15 years that I can think of. I'm so glad I was not hung up about singing on a whim in front of lots of people. They don't care what I sound like - they are here to do their job, and that's what they are focused on.
This is another way I enjoy getting older. I'm so much more comfortable in my own skin. I never would have been able to handle the dissection of my singing when I was younger, but it doesn't phase me now - I actually like it because I'm learning so much about how to sing better and where my opportunities for improvement are.
Yesterday Mark asked me to improve a little "oooooooooooooooooh" thingy at the end of one of my songs. The first two takes were so rigid, he was having a blast making fun of me, telling me how he needs to get some gospel into me. I've been in NH too long. LOL - He was right, and it was extra worse because my voice had no gas at that point, so I didn't have anything to give.
The third take, I added a little something something extra at the end of his suggested "oooooh," and he was shocked. Haha.
Today I'm recording a very soulful version of "Oh Happy Day," and I'm supposed to do a bunch of improving during part of it. That's really not my thing, but I'm going to try and have fun with it....of course, I've already written down 7 lines of suggested "improvs" I can do, but so what.
One of the backup singers on the CD is a contemporary Christian artist from Nashville. He has a great voice, and he sounds so good on the CD. We got 3 tracks done with him on them last night. He's coming back today, with another female vocalist, to do 5 more tracks, I believe. We are going to dinner with him tonight after the session, so we are both looking forward to that.
I also got to meet a well known country song writer yesterday who happened to be in the studio recording a CD. She was very gracious and nice, and it was neat to talk to her about the song writing process.
Okay, time to get Darcy up so we can get this shizzow on the rizzoad.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
In the studio
Ouch. My throat hurts. I got 4 songs done. We're going to try to do the other 7 tomorrow. I can't imagine how that's possible. More then.
Laying the tracks
Today, I'm scheduled to be in the studio for 6.5 hrs of just me singing. I'm not sure how that is going to be possible - especially after singing all day yesterday. I've been reading up on tips on how to preserve your voice. I'm hoping they work.
Last night, I could barely speak at the end of the day. The last track we recorded (the 11th of the day - 5 with the band and 6 with piano/guitar) sounded like I needed to be put down. My voice was quivering and shaking and had no gusto whatsoever. It was just sad. LOL
I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I'm sure it's a combination of yesterday, my allergies, and the air conditioner I was facing all night long, breathing in the dry air...dummy. I was too tired to even think of that. I'm going to sleep on the other side of the bed tonight because tomorrow, I have to finish the other half of the CD. I really wish I could take a day off to rest my voice, but that is not the pace we are on.
I took a hot shower, hoping the steam would help my throat. I kept wetting the face cloth with scalding hot water and putting it over my mouth, breathing in the steam. I have no idea if that helped. I read lots of advice online on the right tea and cough drops to use, so I'm going to make a trip to the store this morning to stock up.
I also decided that yoga would probably help loosen everything up, so I did a good yoga workout in my hotel room this morning. I haven't tried to speak yet today. I am trying to save my voice as much as possible, but at the same time, I'm going to need to warm up before I start recording! I'd like to have some tea first, though.
Yesterday was amazing. I couldn't believe the talent I was surrounded by. I learned so much in just one day. I feel like the next time around, I will truly be ready. It's still a fly by the seat of your pants experience, but at least I'll know that going into it next time. I didn't know what I didn't know, so I had no idea what questions to ask ahead of time. Now, at least I know what I don't know. That is progress.
At one point in the day yesterday, Darcy told the pianist that it was my first time in a studio. He was shocked - not because I'm so good or so on the ball, but most likely because by the time you're flying to Nashville to record a full length CD with the people I'm working with, it's not generally your first time to actually step foot in a studio. He said, "Oh, well don't worry. It's only your CAREER on the line!"
LOL - thanks. That's not how I looked at it -thankfully. But again, I guess most people doing what I'm doing would be hoping it would lead into a career. I just never thought of it that way, and I can't imagine that I would ever be good enough to be a professional singer as my job, or that I'd have the stamina to travel all around singing. I just don't see that as my reality, but I love singing, and I'd be happy to make a few CDs along the way, and if other people like them, even better.
It was so much fun working with that group of talented professionals yesterday. They really give 150% to each track, and they all appeared to be perfectionists. They recorded and re-recorded over and over until they got each note perfect. I have a feeling that's what the producer is going to do with me today when I'm singing....actually, it's more than a feeling.
I'm very tired, and I can't have caffeine because it distorts or constricts the vocal chords, so I'm just going to need to snap out of it, and I will.
I'll write more about yesterday at another point, but I have to get ready to hit the road!
Monday, June 22, 2009

The band is amazing - I'll write more about them later, but they heard the song for the first time, played it, and then called it a wrap all within like 30 or 35 minutes. Can you imagine?
I am so humbled by this experience.